Advantages of nuclear energy for betterment of life
If advantages of nuclear energy are understood by people then everybody will start using nuclear energy rather than the other types of energy that they use in their day to day life. Nuclear energy is produced by splitting uranium atom and the energy produced by few uranium atoms is so much that it can be used for various purposes. We all understand the importance of energy that we all tend to use. A simple example about the energy that we use is electricity; electricity has become a scarce resource and hence, many countries have started promoting various ways of electricity production by way of giving incentives to people who produce their own electricity.
Nuclear energy advantages
There are various sources of energy so why should one use nuclear energy over the other energy; it’s because of the advantages of nuclear energy over other available energy resources. The advantages of nuclear energy are as follows: –
- One of the most important advantages of nuclear energy is that it is clean. Nuclear energy is also termed as “emission free energy”. Bio-fuels is considered to be one of the safest source of energy but one of the major problems with this energy is the emission that happens while using it but that is not the case with nuclear energy. Nuclear energy doesn’t emit gases like carbon dioxide or nitrogen.
- Apart from the advantages of nuclear energy being only environmental safety, the water that is used in nuclear energy plants is free from radiation and hence, the water can be discharged into water resources.
- One of the biggest advantages of nuclear energy is the reliability because like other energy plants, the nuclear plants need not be shut down due to problems like weather or increase in the cost of fuel. The nuclear plants can work for 500-700 days before they are shut down for the purpose of refueling.
- With the help of nuclear energy, the dependency on other resources like oil and gas can be reduced. The energy, which is, produced by using one ton of uranium, is much more than energy, that is, produced by way of burning several million tons of coal.
Advantages of nuclear energy in various fields
Nuclear energy has touched many fields and hence, the advantages of nuclear energy are being utilized in many parts of human life. Few of the advantages are as follows: –
- Advantages of nuclear energy can be felt in the field of radiation. Radiation therapy is widely using for treating cancer patients.
- Food processing industry is also available to take the nuclear energy advantages. Food industry today is giving a lot of importance to the quality of food and if nuclear energy is passed through the food then harmful germs can be killed and the food becomes fit for the purpose of consumption.
There are many advantages of nuclear energy and these advantages of nuclear energy have touched almost all the industries that have touched human life.